Nutrien announces the acquisition of the Brazilian distribution chain Safra Rica

Nutrien, the Canadian multinational agricultural distribution company in Latin America, has announced an agreement to acquire the distribution company Safra Rica, which has been operating in the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo for 19 years. It has nine business units, seven in northwest São Paulo and two in southwest Minas Gerais, regions focused on expansion and having access to more than 1,800 active customers.

After the approval of the Economic Defense Administrative Council (CADE), Nutrien will have 200 business units, including stores and experience centers, distributed throughout Latin America, in addition to a field team with 1 000 specialized professionals working in the region to serve more than 110,000 customers. Since 2020, the company has already made seven acquisitions that support its growth strategy, the expansion of units and the implementation of new technologies that strengthen its presence in Brazil and consolidate its operations in agricultural retail in America Latin.

“With Safra Rica, we are going to expand our presence in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, regions with great potential for expansion not only for cereals, but also for other crops, such as sugar cane and citrus. This is another acquisition that will allow us to increase our reach on the ground to offer integrated, individualized and sustainable services and solutions to farmers in the region,” said Nutrien President for Latin America , André Dias.

With this purchase, Nutrien will be one of the largest agricultural retail companies in Latin America. “We are building the best agriculture solutions platform and transforming agriculture retail in the region. We are proud of our history and we want to grow even more to achieve our strategic planconcludes André Dias.

Completion of the transaction is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors for Economic Defense (CADE) and other customary closing conditions.

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Shawn Jacobs

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