Northern Lights in Canada: where and when to see them

Did you know you can see the Northern Lights from Canada? This natural phenomenon is visible between October and March. It is an incredible spectacle that attracts travelers from all over the world to witness it. Here we tell you the best places to witness this natural wonder.

the northern lights

Canada is one of the main places where you can see the Northern Lights, also known as the Northern Lights. It is a colorful light show that occurs in the Canadian night sky between the months of October to March.

This phenomenon occurs when solar particles collide with the Earth’s magnetosphere. When they collide, they move towards the poles and, since they have a lot of energy, they shoot out in the form of electromagnetic radiation, in the form of waves, ripples and elongated structures on the ionosphere.

This produces a green-yellow beam, due to oxygen, and blue and red-violet hues when reacting with nitrogen. This is how this natural spectacle takes place, which takes its name from Aurora, the Greek goddess of dawn, and Boreas, the Greek god of the north wind.

When and where do we see the Northern Lights?

Believe it or not, it is possible to witness this phenomenon in almost every corner of Canada, however, in the north of the country, it is the perfect place to spot them. The best places to see them are in more remote communities where pollution and city lights are minimal.

December to March are the best months to see them as the days have more hours of darkness and the nights are usually cold and clear. The best times are usually after 10pm until 2am.

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5 places to see the Northern Lights in Canada

Although it is possible to see the lights of any Canadian city or province, the following locations are the best places to see them.

  1. Nunavut: Located on Baffin Island, this is one of the best places to see the Northern Lights. This island belongs to one of the first peoples in all of Canada. Therefore, you can enjoy local culture and traditions.
  1. Yukon: It is located in the northwest of the country and is a place where you can not only observe the northern lights, but also during the summer solstice. midnight ‘Sun.
  1. Jasper: A must-see destination where you can enjoy crystal clear lakes, mountains and low levels of pollution that make it the perfect place to watch the Northern Lights.
  1. Quebec: In the city of Kuujjuaq in the province of Quebec is another perfect place to observe this natural phenomenon.
  1. Churchill: Here, the aurora can be seen up to 300 nights a year. Dare to visit Churchill and not only will you be able to witness the Northern Lights, but you will also have the opportunity to see polar bears.

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Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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