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The new American president Donald Trump Since last Friday, citizens of Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Yemen and Libya, or those with dual nationality, of whom there are thousands in Canada, have been refused entry for the next three months, but apparently and according to the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada, the measure will not apply to Canadian citizens with this dual nationality.


OTTAWA.- Faced with the growing fear of some Canadian citizens with dual nationality who believe that the United States will not allow them to enter this country because of their condition or because they are Muslims, in particular because they are from Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, Libya and Yemencountries that, according to the new provisions of the North American government, have entry restrictions, the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada declared that the United States will not reject them and they will be able to travel freely to the neighboring country.

New US President Donald Trump ordered last Friday that visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries cannot enter his country for the next 90 days, including those with dual nationality, leaving thousands of Canadians outside. but according to Kate Purchase, spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office, in a media statement, that won't happen, at least for Canadians. “We have been assured that Canadian citizens traveling on a Canadian passport will be processed through the usual process,” the official said.

The US State Department said that dual nationals of the aforementioned countries would be denied entry for the next three months, along with citizens of those countries, while a rule was determined to control their entry from those countries. country, but apparently and according. information from the Canadian government, this new rule imposed by Trump will not affect Canadians, as National Security Advisor Daniel Jean and other officials were in contact with their American counterparts, including National Security Advisor Michael Flynn , through cross-communications, did not reject the information provided by Canada. As of the close of this issue, there have been no known complaints from a Canadian who had difficulty entering the United States.

The Prime Minister of Canada and the new President of the United States will meet in the coming weeks and, according to Trudeau, “he looks forward to discussing the success of Canada's immigration and refugee policies” with the American President, and he had already assured previously that he will defend the right of Muslims to obtain refuge if they demand it from Trump.

Trix Barber

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