More than 400 active fires in Canada – Diario de Centro América

Photo: EFE

Wildfires are hitting Canadawhere 413 active fires were recorded last Monday, according to environmental authorities, who warned that climate change will make this period one of the worst in memory.

A situation that the Prime Minister of the country, Justin Trudeaudid not hesitate to call it “terrifying” during a press conference he gave with six ministers to underline the seriousness of the problem.

More than three million hectares of forest will be consumed in 2024.

According to data provided by the Government Canadian, the territory records an unusual number of accidents for this time, which has already caused the evacuation of 26,206 inhabitants.

So far in 2024, there have been 2,214 such disasters, which have consumed around 3 million hectares of forest, while the average for the past decade was 1,624 fires and 254,429 hectares destroyed, according to THE Ministry of Natural Resources. “Our forecast indicates that this whole summer could be a particularly serious season,” said Trudeau.

“Our predictions indicate that this whole summer could be a particularly serious season.”
Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of the country

The boss of the Government tried to reassure the citizens and affirmed that its Executive has “contingency plans” if the situation worsens, they include international support.

One of the hardest hit provinces is Quebecwhich has led to a decrease in air quality, so much so that the Prime Minister of said jurisdiction, Francois Legault, recommended closing windows and avoiding outdoor physical activities, especially those with respiratory problems. Legault announced that Quebec is planning the arrival of 200 specialized firefighters from France And UNITED STATESand who is in talks with Costa Rica And Chili to send more rescuers if the emergency so requires.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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