“Mining is state policy in Salta”

Governor Gustavo Saenz attends the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Convention, the world’s premier meeting on mining and mineral exploration, held in Toronto, Canada.

The president of Salta is part of the Argentine delegation which is also made up of the governors of San Juan, Sergio Uñac; from Santa Cruz, Alicia Kirchner; from Catamarca, Raúl Jalil; from Mendoza, Rodolfo Suárez and from Jujuy, Gerardo Morales. Also present are the Secretaries of Fiscal Policy, Roberto Arias, and of Mines, Fernanda Ávila, as well as executives from the Argentine Chamber of Mines (CAEM).

On this first day, the Argentina Forum Day event took place, where Sáenz, together with the other members of the national delegation, presented the mining opportunities to the main investors on a global scale.

“Mining is state policy in Salta,” Governor Sáenz assured in this forum and talked about the competitive advantages it has for investors.

This is how he referred to the province’s legal certainty, which is characterized by the presence of a mining court endowed with jurisdictional powers to grant mines and quarries: “The mining activity requires, in because of its huge, high-risk and long-term investments, a certainty like no other activity”, affirmed the president of Salta.

He also stressed the importance of having authority exercised by the judiciary, since the concession of a mine “has the character of res judicata; a real property right, offering more legal guarantees and more legal certainty”.

The governor clarified that mining ownership is not absolute, as there are mandatory protective conditions that the miner must meet to avoid expiration (payment of mining barrel, investment plan, reactivation of mine) and loss of ownership of the mine. .mine. In addition, the miner must, as a legal prerequisite, have an Environmental Impact Declaration and be registered in the Mining Cadastre.

In this order, he pointed out that the Fraser Institute (international entity for rating mining countries and states) has rated Salta positively throughout history, to guarantee legal certainty in the concession or mining property and to promote public policies which ensure that the miner rules over a stable game.

Thus, the Annual Survey of Mining Companies 2021 report published by the Institute places the Province of Salta at the forefront for its mining management policy in Latin America. He points out that in Salta, the Political Perception Index (PPI) gives the province a score of 81.13.

Likewise, Sáenz discussed the geological potential of metal deposits, including lithium.

Regarding the speed of the mining process, Sáenz noted that administratively, the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Salta has migrated to a new Geographic Information System (GIS) that allows direct consultation of data from the mining sector, information relating to mining properties, exploration permits, files or even the legal status of proceedings.

Furthermore, it was noted that the government of Salta recognizes mining as a key activity for the economic growth of the whole province and in particular of the Puna. Indeed, mining will allow a more balanced territorial development in Salta and in the country.

“This is a window of opportunity in the global context of energy transition,” Sáenz said.

Finally, he stressed the importance of mining projects contributing to the progress of the communities living in the areas where the settlements are located.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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