Man breaks into Justin Bieber’s house and flees: TMZ

Last Saturday, September 17, a man broke into Justin Bieber’s home and managed to evade security guards, reported the media TMZ.

According to the news site, a man entered the singer’s house. sorry and his wife Hailey Baldwin while on vacation.

The security service noticed that there was someone hanging around by the barbecue, located in the backyard of the house, to later notify the police, however, they could not do anything, because the subject fled by jumping the wall and disappearing on foot through the neighborhood.

Bieber and Baldwin’s mansion is located in an exclusive gated community in Los Angeles, USA. So far, it is unknown who was the man who entered the artist’s house and how he was able to circumvent the security of the area.

However, this isn’t the first time Bieber has faced this type of experience. On a previous occasion, a fan broke into his hotel room; In another episode, three thieves stole valuables from his Texas home, and later a couple of teenagers watched him while he was at the pool with friends.

The singer recently announced he would be taking a break from touring. Justice World Tour prioritize his mental health, so he will resume presentations until March 2023.

In a press release, the Canadian recalled that at the beginning of the year, he had revealed his fight against Ramsay-Hunt syndrome, a disease which prevented him from making all his presentations in North America.

After other concerts, the last being the one he gave at Rock in Rio, in Brazil, he chose to take a break on stage.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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