MAG Silver: Juanicipio reaches commercial production

mine juanicipio

Juancipio carries out the commercial production.

The Juanicipio plant is operating at approximately 85% of its design capacity of 4,000 tonnes per day (tpd) with silver recovery consistently above 88%.

MAG Silver Corp. achieved commercial production from the Juanicipio project (56%/44% Fresnillo plc and MAG, respectively) effective June 1, 2023.

After a successful start-up period, the Juanicipio mine, processing plant and other vital systems are operating at or rapidly approaching design capacity.

The Juanicipio plant is operating at approximately 85% of its design capacity of 4,000 tonnes per day (tpd) with silver recovery consistently above 88%.

On a 100% basis, approximately 3.2 million ounces of silver were produced at the Juanicipio processing plant from March 2023 to the end of May 2023, and production is expected to continue to increase steadily during the third quarter, where the plant is expected to operate. to design the capacity.

All major construction activities are now complete and Juanicipio demonstrates its ability to maintain continuous production levels.

“Completing this important commercial production milestone at Juanicipio completes our transformation from developer to producer,” said George Paspalas, President and CEO of MAG Silver.

“Today marks the start of a very exciting and dynamic phase of growth for MAG, as we combine stable, high-margin silver production with the continued high-grade exploration potential that has made and continues to make MAG so unique,” ​​he added.

About MAG Silver Corp.

MAG Silver Corp. is a growth-oriented Canadian exploration and development company that aims to become a leading primary silver mining company by exploring and advancing district-scale, high-grade precious metals projects in the Americas.

Its main focus and asset is the 4,000 tonnes per day (44%) Juanicipio project, operated by Fresnillo Plc (56%).

The project is located in the Fresnillo Silver Trend in Mexico, the most important silver mining camp in the world, where in addition to underground mining production and processing of mineralized materials, an expanded exploration program is underway targeting several sites. very promising.

MAG is also executing multi-phase exploration programs at the Deer Trail 100% Profit Project in Utah and the Larder Lake Project, located in the historically prolific Abitibi region of Canada.

More information

To learn more about the mining sector in Peru and other countries, you can participate with free registration in the MINPRO 2023 conferences at this link:

And here you can download the program of the VIII Meeting of Miners and Suppliers – June 27 and 28:

Please note that places are limited.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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