Latina left to live in Canada tells why she regrets her decision

Aimee Karime, a Mexican who shares her experience, on her Tik Tok account, of living in Canada for the past five months. He told his over one hundred thousand followers that he was in a emotionally very difficult situation after his decision to away from his family and move to the city of Vancouver.

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Just like Karime, they are thousands of Latinos who each month venturelegally or irregularly, go to first world countries in search of better economic conditions, stability and security, Most Colombians choose to go to the United States in search of the “American dream”, but this does not always become a reality.

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Only in 2021, according to the report “Post-pandemic migration: the challenges of social cohesion”, 3,024,273 Colombians have left the country, This represents approximately one six percent of the total population. Above all, motivated by the lack of employment and precariousness.

Although reaching countries with better economic conditions also represents a challenge for the immigrant, who finds himself in a difficult initial situation in which he must find a job – if he does not have a permit, this situation becomes even more more complicated-, he must also find accommodation, furniture and, in some cases, himself, which becomes quite an initial battle to start the new life.

Besides, the emotional part begins to play a fundamental role in the passage of the months; estrangement from family and friends back in the country of origin, as well as the feeling of not feeling at home, can generate moments of rupture which encourage the immigrant to return.

Karime’s reasons for wanting to come back

I feel like moving to Canada might be the worst mistake of my life

The Mexican pointed out in the video that moving to Canada could be a big mistake, “hey, sometimes I feel like moving to Canada could be the worst mistake of my entire life.”

Karime explains that the main reason is that she is a very familiar person, “I am very close to my parents, my sisters, my aunts”, the woman said. Adding that being away from them affected him a lot.

He also explained that there are days when he feels very good about it, but others feel that He can’t take it anymore and he wants to come back. Especially on holidays, because in December, the month that was Christmas, he felt very bad not being able to experience it with his family in his city.

I don’t know if it’ll take you away (wanna come back) or I’ll last a lifetime living like this

Her sister and her father went to visit her, which encouraged her, but their return to Mexico affected her greatly. After that, the woman explains that she is at a point where she wants to come back and that she “can’t take it”, but the woman, who in other videos has explained that she lives there with her children, mentions that she will not. leave again, especially because her children are very happy living in Vancouver.

(Additionally: the presidents of Mexico, Canada and the United States will discuss migration and security)

Finally the woman mentions that He’s been living there for five months and he doesn’t know if this feeling will go away“I don’t know if this will take you away (wanting to come back) or if I’ll last a lifetime like this,” the woman mentions.

In fact, the woman says she has made a list of the pros and cons of living in her country and in Canada, but she doesn’t believe that any advantage of living in the north of the country can outweigh happiness. to be with his family.

The reaction in the comments has been mixed, while there are people cheering him on and telling him he will get over this feeling, there are others who share his feelings. Some Internet users have even declared that they have lived in Canada for several years, even decades, and do not miss anything about their respective countries.

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Spike Caldwell

"Devoted organizer. Incurable thinker. Explorer. Tv junkie. Travel buff. Troublemaker."

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