Latest news from Guatemala

Maria Iraburu

Chancellor of the University of Navarre

On November 10, we celebrated the #DayOfScience, a day where we admire the human capacity to know the world and to apply this knowledge to transform the reality around us. We owe scientific advances that have improved our lives in so many ways.

But sometimes we forget that this is a deeply human reality, made by people and directed to people, influenced by the tides and challenges of each historical moment. What are the challenges of science today? Here are some of the ones that seem most relevant to me:

1. Science as a voice of trust. Scientific knowledge has been seen as a way of approaching reality based on evidence and, therefore, universally accepted. However, we frequently see the voice of science being silenced by polarized rhetoric, manipulated by partisan interests, or simply relegated to shocking content. If we want to build a fairer and more sustainable society, we need the reliability of science. Our world needs researchers and scientific institutions that generate trust.

Scientists are increasingly being asked to make an effort to transmit this knowledge, also to the public. An inclusive science is also a science easily accessible to all.

2. A science in dialogue with the humanities, art, life. Celebrating science also means recognizing that science alone is not enough. Very often, the problems we want to solve encounter legislative or communication difficulties, or require collaboration between different fields. Allow me to give an example: this very week, the #COP27 in which world leaders seek solutions to a problem that concerns us all.

Science can bring us solutions to the energy crisis or proposals for the circular economy, but it must dialogue to carry out its mission.

3. Inclusive science, open to all. Science is specialization, it is complexity, it is not always easy to explain. And, on the other hand, it has a commitment to society and should not be the exclusive heritage of specialists who work outside the problems and needs of the environment.

Scientists are increasingly being asked to make an effort to transmit this knowledge, also to the public. An inclusive science is also an easily accessible science
for everyone.

I am thinking in particular of the need to promote the presence of women in technological entrepreneurship. We need the wealth of contributions and creativity of women scientists and technologists in areas like digitization, which are already having such a huge impact on our lives.

These three challenges are a clear call to higher education institutions. To a large extent, science is done in universities, with the work of professors and researchers. But also, in the universities, we have contact with young people, from whom we learn so much and from whom we can embark on the adventure of reliable, open and committed science. To all of you who share this passion, young or old:
happy science day!

Shawn Jacobs

"Incurable alcohol evangelist. Unapologetic pop culture scholar. Subtly charming webaholic."

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