La Jornada – AMLO agrees to receive energy concerns from Canadian companies

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has pledged to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to personally receive Canadian companies that are concerned about Mexico’s energy policy. This is within the scope of the litigation which is directed within the guidelines of the T-MEC.

GALLERY: AMLO welcomes Biden and Trudeau to the North American Leaders Summit.

The two leaders had a private conversation as part of the tenth North American Leaders Summit, which is being held at the National Palace. Subsequently, they went to the bilateral meeting of the two delegations – which they currently lead.

López Obrador and Trudeau opened the bilateral with separate messages. The Mexican said: “We talked about the companies that operate in the electricity sector. We are also looking to resolve issues, differences that logically arise with respect to these commercial economic relationships and also in times of boom, as Canadian investment in Mexico increases a lot, as never before. »

He reports: “I made a commitment with Prime Minister Trudeau to receive companies that may have outstanding issues, some disagreement with the attitude of our government, we are always open to dialogue.”

The Mexican President said that during the conversation with the Canadian Prime Minister, they also discussed economic issues related to the investments of Canadian companies in our country, including mining companies or the important energy company TransCanada.

The latter, explained López Obrador, “is investing to build a gas pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico, it is a big investment and it is very important because it will be a question of supplying gas to the south-east of Mexico”.

But they did not only talk about economic and trade issues. “We also talked about the importance of the immigration program that Canada carries out for temporary visas for Mexican workers; of the recognition of the indigenous communities, of the original peoples, today an agreement of these characteristics is going to be signed and we have further strengthened our relations. We are neighbours, friends and we work together. And you will always be welcome and welcome to Mexico and the prime minister as well, he is our friend.

For his part, Trudeau highlighted the “wide range of issues” discussed at the summit and said he was confident that during the Mexico-Canada bilateral meeting they would continue to be explored.

“We are both progressive countries that respect opportunity, justice, equality for all, jobs for the middle class, and strive to combine environmental protection and support for Indigenous peoples at the heart Our vision for each of the countries and that also puts them at the center of our vision for a more prosperous North America.”

He pointed out that in recent years there has been a “genuine deepening and expansion” of the economic and commercial connections and ties between the two nations, but at the same time their commitments to the hemisphere, with the challenges that Democracy faces, both for nations friendship as for everyone.

“And as Canada and Mexico continue to be very strong friends and allies, we will continue to discuss how we can further strengthen our economic alliances, our people-to-people ties and, above all, prosperity. that we both bring to the trilateral relationship in North America, which has so much to offer the world.

The Canadian leader considered it a pleasure to be able to discuss all these subjects with his host, and above all, to work hand in hand on economic, environmental, international, democratic issues, at the level of women and indigenous peoples, (which ) still remains There is a lot to do, but when you do it among friends, the job is well done and that is what we see now and thank you very much for all that we will continue to achieve together for our citizens , for the hemisphere and for the world”.

The bilateral meeting between the two delegations is now taking place. And later, the two governments will sign a memorandum of understanding on indigenous peoples.

Shawn Jacobs

"Incurable alcohol evangelist. Unapologetic pop culture scholar. Subtly charming webaholic."

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