Justin Bieber suspends his two concerts in Argentina for health reasons

Buenos Aires, Sep 6 (EFE) .- Canadian singer Justin Bieber has suspended the concerts scheduled for next September 10 and 11 in La Plata (province of Buenos Aires) for health reasons, according to the production company Move Concerts Argentina , organizer of both events.

In a press release, the American artist explained that he was still suffering from the after-effects of Ramsay-Hunt syndrome, a disease which had partially paralyzed his face at the start of the year, forcing him to postpone his “Justice World Tour “.

“Last weekend I performed at Rock in Rio and I gave everything I had to the Brazilian people. After leaving the stage, exhaustion overwhelmed me and I realized that I had to put my health first,” the 28-year-old singer said.

“For now, I’m going to take a break from touring. I’ll be fine, but I need time to rest and get better. I’m very proud to have taken this show and our message of ‘Justice’ around the world.”

In this sense, the producer Move Concerts Argentina has clarified that the return of tickets will take place automatically between September 12 and 23, regardless of the payment method chosen.

Bieber’s last visit to Argentina, which took place in 2013, was plagued with controversy: the artist had to appear before a judge for assaulting a photographer, suspended a concert due to “stomach aches” and was harshly criticized for sweeping the stage floor with a country flag.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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