Jobs in Canada for Mexicans offers a salary of 50,000 pesos per month Grupo Milenio

If one of your fondest dreams is to live abroadyou can achieve this with a offers job In Canadawho offers a salary of 50 thousand pesos per month. The vacancy has just been announced.. Here you will find all the requirements.

According Job siteof the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (STPS), a Canadian company posted a job offer.

The company specializes in design, molding and manufacturing of aluminum and metal parts, and seeks workers with a minimum of three years of experience in a similar position (verifiable with letters of employment), to oversee the operations of the foundry department. Here all the details.

What do I need to apply for a vacancy abroad?

According to Job siteTo participate you must on this site: HERE and deliver within National Employment Service Office of your entity the following documentation:

  • resume (Curriculum Vitae) of the Job Portal
  • Valid passport or renewal of mandate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • Education certificate (technical title);
  • employment letters recent ones that prove the minimum professional experience of 3 years;
  • Proof of address;
  • INE (Credit for voting with photo) and
  • woo (Unique population register code)

What are the requirements?

To participate in the vacancy it is necessary to have completed a technical career as a mthe stagnation or the end and hold degrees, speak up to two other languages ​​and also possess the following skills and knowledge:

  • Experience: two to three years as a foundry supervisor

Knowledge(s) and tool(s):

  • Staff management
  • Knowledge of foundry (casting, grinding)


  • French – Intermediate
  • Intermediate English

Skill(s) and Competency(ies):

  • critical thinking
  • Team work
  • Logical-mathematical reasoning
  • Autonomy
  • Motivation
  • Direction
  • Pressure tolerance

Person availability:

  • You have to travel
  • Calendar: Monday to Friday and from tfull me
  • Schedule clarifications: Night shift

What are the activities to be carried out?

One of your main tasks will be to meet with employees in specific situations requiring disciplinary action in accordance with the employee handbook and the culture of the company, in addition, you must:

  • Guide employees in their daily work.
  • Mobilize the team to achieve the objectives.
  • Meet delivery deadlines to customers (internal or external).
  • Plan, organize, direct and control the operations of the foundry department.
  • Ensure effective visual communication of work objectives and progress.

What does the Canadian company offer?

The company offers pLey subtractions, plus the following:

  • pension funds
  • CDD – 3 years
  • recruitment process
  • Document review – Face-to-face
  • Telephone interview to check the required language level – Virtual
  • Interview – Online

The recruitment process started on February 22 and will continue for a month, so you still have the opportunity to send in all your documentation.


Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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