J. Fuego and Franco Canadiens, Street Soccer champion teams – El Sol de San Juan del Río

The team J. Fire was champion of State Street Soccer Tournament “From Street to Field” at Pedregoso Park, after facing a team in the final May Street who always fought, but the trophy went to the red and black team, made up of the queen of the San Juan del Río Fair, Rosi Bruniwho was also called up to the national team.

The competition took place at Pedregoso Park, it generated a lot of emotions but above all a stage where young people and adults were able to enjoy football, has become a sporting festival in its own right. Among the men, the Juligans team placed vice-champion, while the Franco-Canadian team was crowned champion.

The event gave a opportunity for young people to train in sportjust like the national team, Pamela López García, who has just represented Mexico at the Street Soccer Solid Her in France.

At the awards ceremony, goalkeeper Pamela announced the shortlist who will represent the national team, América Almaraz González, Dulce Jazmín Rodríguez, Joselyn Guerrero, Danae Cedillo Ponce, Mariana Díaz, Rosi Bruni Guerrero, Pilar Bárcenas Ríos, Maribel Durán Hernández, Clara Jannet Contreras, Andrea Cristina, Estefany Jackeline.

For the men's team, José de Jesús Reyes, José Miguel Castillo, Uriel Aguilar Estrada, Francisco Florentino Pineda, Jairo Bernardo Mejía, Diego Sánchez Callejas, Oscar Fernando Hernández, Carlos Roberto, Luis Alfonso García, Javier Hernández, Rogelio Resendiz.

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Beyond the competition, it was about a great experience where future stars demonstrated their passion for football, stirring a lot of enthusiasm. At the end of the meeting, they received the medals from sports manager Lizbeth Navarrete.

Eugenia Tenny

"Internet fanatic. Web ninja. Social media trailblazer. Devoted thinker. Friend of animals everywhere."

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