Hugo Awards 2022: Where to see the award-winning musicals?

On Monday, September 19, in its twelfth edition, the Hugo Trophies 2022 in recognition of the Argentine musical theater of the 2021-2022 seasons. In a ceremony hosted by Andrea Poletti, Diego Reinhold Yes Guido Zafforathe winning works were announced, with much emotion and applause, on the stage of the astral theater. The prizes, in homage to the legendary Hugo Midonare an initiative of Ricky Pashkus and Pablo Gorleroand were created to distinguish items and categories of musical works on the poster.

On delivery, he called back Enrique Pinti and to all the artists who have left in recent months, with the musical background of the song “Quedan los Artistas”, performed by Ángeles Colodrero and Julián Rubino. Another moving moment, with the whole audience on their feet, was the presentation of a plaque in recognition of the legacy of the Flax of Patala. The presentation of the statuettes in each category was responsible for Adriana Aizenberg, Juan Leyrado, Virginia Lake, Anna Acosta Yes Stephane Prolamong other artists.

Although the awards ceremony was widely publicized, five award-winning pieces stood out Monday evening by the number of statuettes: “Come from afar”, “So… I’ll be back”, “Dracula, the Musical”, “Distant Moonglow” Yes “My imaginary gift”. Many consecrated works are currently on display and can be enjoyed in the different scenarios of Buenos Aires.

“Come From Away”, directed by Carla Calabrese – Maipo Theater

The big winner of the evening with seven statuettes, including “Best Musical” Yes “Best General Management” to the director Carla Calabrian. The musical work of Maipo Theater recounts the arrival of more than seven thousand people from all over the world who landed unexpectedly on the Canadian island of Gander and the welcome of the inhabitants of the small town. A moving work that allows us to imagine a world without borders and to celebrate the best of the human spirit.

Hugo Trophies 2022

“That’s how… I come back”, directed by Anibal Pachano and Georgina Tirotta – Teatro Regina

The autobiographical musical work of the former Push the button recounts the beginnings of his youth in his career Cordoba, his arrival on the stages of Buenos Aires, the founding of Botton tap, his avant-garde theatrical productions, living with his disease and his art. Rewarded with seven Hugo awards, the piece is a musical passage in the life of Hannibal Pashano and the situations that marked him, where he himself is the protagonist of his own biography.

Hugo Trophies 2022

“My imaginary gift”, directed by Pablo Gorlero – Teatro de la Ribera

Ideal for adults and children, the musical work offers a journey into the universe of the artist Hugo Midón. The book of Mariano Taccagni complete the songs of the greats Hugo Midondied in 2011, and created with his musical partner, the master Carlos Giani. The reunion between two friends, Humi and Carlogi, with the sensitive objective of rediscovering cuddles and face-to-face communication, is the axis of this musical. From the game suggested by the duo’s emblematic songs, their most inspiring themes are explored: friendship, freedom, tolerance, respect. Rewarded in the main shortlists in the children’s category, he won six statuettes.

Hugo Trophies 2022

“Dracula, the Musical” directed by Ángel Mahler – Movistar Arena

“Dracula, the musical” is one of the most important Argentine stage works of all time. Born in the 90s by the duo composed of Pepe Cibrian and Angel Mahlerin this version, much of the original cast is split into lead roles, such as John Rodo Yes cecilia milone. A classic that has not lost its validity and which will be reissued on October 6, with around fifty artists on stage and an orchestra of 30 musicians. Winner of six Hugo Awards 2022.

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Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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