Has Celine Dion lost her voice? His sister updates his health

stiff person syndrome

The fight of Celine Dion against stiff person syndrome continues. The singer retired from the stage several months ago and there is still no return date because it is an illness about which “very little” is known. His sister seems to rule over rumors that he had lost his voice.

End of 2022,Celine Dion was diagnosed with stiff person syndromeforcing him to cancel his 2023 tour due to his inability to perform normally.

It was her older sister Claudette who informed the press of the singer’s condition during these months and generally did not give good news because As it is a rare disease, there are few treatments. effective. Still, she and her family are optimistic.

Her last appearance was on the TV show 7 days and mentioned the latest rumor circulating: the interpreter of My heart Will continue He lost his voice.

Celine Dion’s sister discusses alleged loss of her voice

That’s for sure? No. Claudette wanted to decide and emphasize that she continues to sing as well as ever: “Those who claim that my sister’s voice has disappeared they are wrong. He sang several notes to me over the phone and His voice remains the same. “I felt very happy and calm while listening to it.”

Celine Dion | getty

Beyond the rumor about his voice, the rest is not so favorable but everyone points out that your mood is pretty good: “We send all our love to our little sister, and she believes, like me, that she is capable of overcoming this ordeal.”

“We know that your illness is particularly difficult to treat, but She is surrounded by a great team of specialists and works hard for this.“, he justified. Claudette clarified that her sister is “incredibly strong” and “has complete confidence in the medical team”.

He recently gave an interview to the Canadian magazine Hello! and detailed the symptoms from which her sister suffered: “It is a disease about which very little is known. There are spasms, they are impossible to control. Do you know who usually skips at night because of a leg or calf cramp? It’s a bit like that but in all the muscles.”

What is stiff person syndrome?

Stiff person syndrome is a central nervous system disorder that, according to the Mayo Clinic, It is characterized by progressive and intense muscle stiffness or numbness.. It mainly affects the spine and legs and can also cause painful muscle spasms.

“It is often associated with muscle spasms, which can be quite severe. These can cause falls, severe pain and significant disability,” explains Dr. Emile Sami Moukheiber of the Stiff Person Syndrome Center at Johns Hopkins Medicine. an interview with CNN. “Falls due to severe spasms are very common. These spasms can be precipitated by startles, intense emotions, or cold.», adds the expert.

According to this expert, It is common for people with rigid person syndrome to also suffer from anxiety.“and this anxiety is actually fueled by the illness-related physical ailments that people may be suffering from.”

Spike Caldwell

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