Grinspun: “Nursing must regain its social role”

The University of Burgos resumed this morning the investiture ceremonies of the personalities who join its faculty of doctors. It did so with the appointment of Doris Grinspun, a reference in the world of nursing who promoted a program of good practices from Canada that is now applied in many countries, including Spain.

During his speech at the Aula Magna del Hospital del Rey, he made a passionate defense of the profession, without neglecting the aspects that he believes must be taken into account, such as its role as an agent of social change. . In this sense, he assured that taking charge of the individual puts the said social perspective in the background. “When discussing the theory that we nurses are dedicated to healing or care, we are referring to the emotional, moral or ethical aspects of the person, but not to the care of our societies.”

For his part, the rector, Manuel Pérez Mateos, praised the figure of this doctor born in Chile, but who developed most of her professional career in Canada, where she created the Association of Registered Nurses of the Ontario, also sharing some of his thoughts, such as the “unambiguous defense of a public, universal and free health care system”.

The academic manager highlighted the work carried out by the Faculty of Health Sciences (the one that proposed the appointment of Grinspun) in the training of future professionals, as evidenced by the demand registered by the nursing diploma, with 10 pre-registrations of first choice by each place offered.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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