Julio Alonso, in a file image. PEPA LOSADA
Julio Alonso Maragoto
“Sentín moito a súa morte, coma mollera english”
Julio Alonso Maragoto emigrated to the UK around sixty years ago, spending nearly forty of his life on the islands. “Fun about to do it, I came to work as a cook and in 1998 I returned to Ortigueira”Explain.
His family has been linked to the royal family for decades, since he worked occasionally as a cook in the late eighties at royal banquets, becoming present in the kitchens of Ascot, where the legendary horse races take place. and where countless Ascot members hang out. the British nobility.
But not only he, but also his now deceased wife worked for the queen. “She cleaned Windsor Castle, in her own outbuildings, and coincided with it on many occasions, always recounting wonders of the ten years she worked there.” Julio remembers, and remembers that even he himself saw Isabella II several times, “walking cans, when it would pick up miña muller after his xornada”.
From the queen he remembers that he went to the kitchens several times, “Peas for her or labor was very important.” So much so, Julio points out, that to this day he still receives a Christmas card from the British royal family, simply because of his wife’s years of performance.
“I feel my life to death, like an English layer, well, these are years of my life that I have spent, dalgunha maneira, ao seu carón e na su terra”. Today, Julio Alonso, already retired in his Ortigueira, remembers those years moved by his queen and by an entire society that admired and respected her, loving her as much as she always said she loved her fellow citizens.
Carlos III: “I want to honor the memory of my mother”
Juan Francisco Alonso
As his mother did 75 years ago from South Africa, the new king, CharlesIII, promised his subjects that “as long as God grants it to me, I will uphold the constitutional principles of our nation”, renewing the lifetime commitment that Elizabeth II made upon ascending the throne. The promise was made by the 73-year-old monarch during his first address to the nation, broadcast on television and previously recorded. I want to honor the memory of my mother“said the new British head of state, in addition to thanking his “dear mother” for “the love and dedication to our family and to the family of nations which they have served so diligently all these years “. In addition, he gave thanks for the expressions of affection and grief that affect the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the world.
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