‘El mono López’, a magazine of information, entertainment and education, arrives in Radio City from this Monday, July 4 | People | Entertainment

Since this Monday July 4, the journalist Andrés López is RadioCite your talk show and news Lopez the monkeywhich until now was positioned on Facebook and YouTube, from Monday to Friday, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.thus presenting half an hour of content.

Its driver and director, and who gives it its name, specifies that it is a space that covers the events of the moment with interviews of the protagonists of the news. The informative situation takes priority, but it also seeks to entertain and educate through segments on debate, nature, entrepreneurship, women, art and sexuality, among others.

Lopez the monkey does unfiltered journalism,” he says. Andrés López, who has done journalism in the national media and in the international channel CNN (2011-2017). He adds that the proposal has his personal style as an added value. “These are current issues that can arise the same day. Ministers, leaders of all functions of the state, analysts and ordinary people have been in space”.

López began his career in the television news of Ecuavisa as an investigator, presenter and reporter, and has worked with this channel for 21 years, actually in 360° view (Sunday, 7:00 p.m.). Some of the programs he participated in were In front, A planet, Andres Lopez Yes Recipes for the soul.

Radio is not the only medium through which López seeks to continue expressing himself, nor is the news the only message. In May 2017 he published the book The improvised postman, whose purpose is “to reflect on life and put on the table what we should talk about with those we love the most: our children”.

This formative tone is also perceived in Lopez the monkeywhich gives birth to art, humor and various human subjects that help train listeners, beyond the news.

Part of this objective is achieved by columnists who accompany the program in a fixed segment, giving their opinion or reflecting on a relevant topic. López explains that these specialists are rotated (every three months), and for the moment the ecologist is collaborating in this function Martín Bustamante (Director of the Quito Zoo)lawyer and political scientist Maria Paz Jervisthe constitutionalist Ramiro Avila and the internationalist Karen Garzon. Criminal lawyer and teacher Paulina Araujo has just completed her term, and it remains to be seen who will replace her.

The formats of the radio and the diffusion They get along, but they have their differences. The first plays in its favor the ease of access. “The listener in his car (or any other place) can tune into the program comfortablysaid Lopez. Then there is the radio identity (in this case, RadioCite), allied media support, coverage in the provinces of Guayas and Santa Elena.

In the Friday July 1 episode, the journalist invited his subscribers to take advantage of the radio option and remember that the appointment is half an hour earlier than usual. “This opportunity feels cool to us, because it expands the voice we have, and that’s always good, we’re growing.”

For its part, “the diffusion allows us to interact (this is a feature of the program) with Ecuadorians around the world. It’s a friendly way to talk with listeners,” says López, who in the first few minutes of the show usually reads live messages on social media. “During this time, we have formed a kind of group or community, and there is a good interaction.”

On Facebook, Lopez the monkey It has 29,000 subscribers, who in addition to the program find excerpts from editorials and news summaries, but also a place to express themselves, to agree and disagree. (YO)

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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