Do you want to work in Canada? You have until February 20 to apply.

La Seine, through its public employment agency, revealed that there are vacancies for those who want to work in Canada.

One of the most recent vacancies is in the city of Montreal, in the province of Quebec, where at least 20 people are required to work as equipment, transport and trade operators.

The position is for those who wish to work as vehicle handymen and with a salary ranging between 12,500,000 and 15,000,000 pesos.

Remember that once the required number of resumes for each vacancy has been reached, the application will not be available as it will move to tracking status, even if the closing date has not been met.

The entity stressed that those interested must meet 100% of the requirements to participate and that the deadline to apply and advance in the selection process is February 20, 2023.

In this sense, the application for these vacancies will only be made through the labor intermediation platform of the Public Employment Agency Sena other applications through other portals of employment, to the company page or the social networks of the company will not be taken into account.

Those interested in participating in this call must comply 100% with the profile provided on the labor intermediation platform of the Public Employment Agency Sena, for which they can register and/or update update their CV in the system, indicating in the “Professional interests” field of the work experience tab the profession that interests you.

Additionally, if the selection process is conducted in person, shortlisted individuals must be available to travel to the selection process on their own, in the city to be determined. If done online, shortlisted candidates will be contacted by the company for profile verification and then they will be scheduled for a virtual interview, in the month indicated by the company, so they must be available to login on the date and at the time indicated.

The salary type is full on a permanent contract from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and to participate, a minimum of 8 years of experience in similar positions is required.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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