Do you want to work in Canada? This carpentry vacation of 37 thousand pesos interests you – El Financiero

If you do at carpentry and you are looking for a job opportunity, we have good news for you, since the national employment service has vacancies abroad that may be of interest to you.

On this occasion, the portal shared vacancies to work in Canada. The foreign company requires a person with experience in the processing of varnished wood and the manufacture of furniture. We give you all the details so you can apply.


  • Minimum three years of experience as a cabinetmaker.
  • Basic knowledge of English and French.
  • Technical career in carpentry.
  • Manual dexterity and use of tools such as screwdrivers, saws, sanders and cutters.
  • Problem solving and compromise.
  • Availability to travel immediately.

The program work is full time, Monday to Friday, 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., that is, afternoons and evenings.

Some of the tasks you will have to do are assembling parts and sanding materials. I know offers legal benefits, medical expenses insurance, savings funds and permanent contracts.

The salary is 37 thousand 500 pesos per month and you have until May 2 to apply for the vacant position. During the staff selection process, an interview will take place to confirm knowledge and experience.

If you are interested in the position, you can apply on the site

Infonavit Points: What happens to them if I stop working?

Every day there are more Mexicans willing to quit their job if their companies do not offer them a hybrid working arrangement or home office.

According World OCC Professional Thermometer55 percent of workers nationwide say they would quit their jobs as long as they have another employment option.

The same, chose to resign and put a own tradeused in fashion independent or enter a informal employmentprioritizing your time and your emotional health.

But what about the Infonavit points What have they accumulated by working formally?

Workers who quit or are made redundant they can keep their points corresponding to the age, salary and savings elements in the housing sub-account balanceprovided that they are registered again in the IMSS.

If you lose your job, as soon as you resume your active life Infonavit It will no longer ask you for a year of seniority to take out a loan, because the rest of your information supports you», affirms Carlos Martínez Velázquez, director of Infonavit.

However, points corresponding to two-month continuous contribution periods will be affectedsince a worker’s score is calculated based on their age and salary, Housing Sub-account savings, and bimonthly periods of ongoing contribution.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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