Do you have high school? Canada is launching a vacancy to maintain buildings with a salary of up to 20,000 pesos

Two men carry out cleaning tasks in an apartment building. (Photo: EFE)

Did you carry out maintenance and repair work on buildings? Then this information will interest you, because the Job portal published another job offer abroad and with a salary of up to 20 thousand pesos.

According to the company located in the country of the maple leaf, this opportunity is called a “building maintenance worker”. A Canadian company is looking for workers They have two to three years’ experience in this field.

In other words, those interested must know about electricity, because the company will ask them to check the lights, replace the bulbs and do some work.

Canadian companies offer several vacancies each month. (Photo: Special)

-Academic level: Secondary

-2 to 3 years of experience in building maintenance

-Perform maintenance and repair tasks, such as: clearing snow from emergency exits, roads and snowmelt

-Do general maintenance and repair of buildings such as: plumbing, electricity, carpentry, among others

-Does not require any language

-No need to travel

According to the company’s vacancy in Canada, The main functions of the worker will be to remove debris, residues in the work using rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows and other equipment.

In addition to repairing walls, repairing fixed and movable furniture made of wood, metal or other materials, keeping the work area and materials clean, painting and repairing the requested places.

Among their skills, their quality of work, communication, pressure tolerance, motivation, continuous improvement, teamwork, autonomy, adaptation to change, commitment, among others, will be assessed.

In addition to the monthly salary of 20,000 pesos, the company offers public social security and a fixed-term contract.

To obtain the position, interested persons will have to enter the platform of the job portal. Here

Then they will ask you for a virtual interview and a virtual theory exam. According to the information, the recruitment process will take three weeks.

The good news is that the offer of this job will be valid until September 1st this year. According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), citizens will be able to find out about various job offers to provide their services abroad, i.e. to work in the United States or Canada, as well as in the States of the Mexican Republic. .

To find other opportunities, people will have to access the main page launched by the STPS, after the agreement that the Mexican government maintains with the aforementioned nations.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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