So say nutritionists, who obviously know best the advice we need to follow to lose weight: we often focus too much on what we eat and constantly measure the calories of every lunch and dinner with nothing take into account. realize that the basic diet should not only be low in fat, it should also be healthy (and be combined with these five healthy habits that we have already told you). And for it to be healthy and help you lose fat on a diet, you need to remove just four things. One of them: sugar. The most demonized product of recent years should be completely excluded from your diet. With this small gesture you can lose up to five kilos in a month. But before the results let’s go step by step, how can you eliminate sugar?

First thing: in drinks and at breakfast

if you drink coffee (or even tea) first thing in the morning The most normal thing is that you add a few tablespoons of sugar. Almost everyone does. Well, it’s a move you need to start changing. Experts say it’s easy to get used to coffee flavor Without sugar but if you can’t, we offer you in this article up to six calorie-free spices that you can use to add to coffee (or to any other dessert such as plain yogurt for example), and which will be used to sweeten. Try the one you like the most, the results are amazing. But at breakfast it is also important to forget the cakes and change them for a good fruit yoghurt or wholemeal bread with oil. It’s all calories that you subtract to achieve your weight loss goal.

The desserts

At noon, the starter is as important as the dessert if you are looking to lose weight. Replacing sugar in cakes or industrial buns after eating is easy: opt for fruit. It is a much healthier dessert, recommended by all nutritionists and also has two good characteristics that will help you lose weight: the fruit. (We are talking here about a fruit that you can include in your toppings and that everyone talks about when it comes to losing weight.)

The drinks

If you go to the “zero” range of your usual soft drink (today everyone has this type of product), you will be able to subtract a lot of calories. But you don’t just have to do this when eating or dining at home. Remember your change when you go out to dinner or eat out. And of course, forget the alcohol. In this article we tell you which are the fattest alcoholic drinks.

In “meals between meals”

It’s snack time mid-morning or afternoon at work are both good times to banish sugar. Forget industrial buns and coconut trees and replace them, for example, with dried fruits.

And above all, do it for your health

Years ago, an online campaign sprung up under the name “” trying to convince consumers of the large amount of sugar we consume on a daily basis. Excessive consumption which is the cause of many diseases. Instead, it’s time to promote products that provide health benefits and help us lose weight. This is the case of this food which, included in your dinner, will help you lose those extra pounds.

Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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