Death of Elizabeth II of England: summary of Tuesday September 13

Carlos III underlines his commitment to Northern Ireland

King Carlos III promised in Belfast collect the testimony of his mother, Elizabeth II, also in relation to the crown’s engagements with Northern Ireland, a territory marked for decades by a conflict which, even today, continues to be reflected in political divisions and clear social.

The new monarch continued through Belfast the tour undertaken after the death of Elizabeth II, in a formal gesture which also serves as an endorsement towards the new stage. Thus, in a speech before the deputies, he was ccommitted to following his mother’s ‘shining example’ and working for the ‘welfare of all Northern Ireland’.

“In the years since she began her long life of public service, my mother has seen Northern Ireland go through historic changes,” said the new monarch, who recalled that her family also felt the “ penalties” of this territory, according to BBC News.

The Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly, Alex Maskey, an IRA and Sinn Féin veteran, expressed his condolences to Carlos III on behalf of the institution and the people of Northern Ireland, noting that his mother had not been “a distant observer” of the transformation experienced.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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