Cirque du Soleil, the Curiosity marquee goes up

Cirque du Soleil has arrived in Rome. A la espera de poder asistir al “Kurios – Gabinete de Curiosidades” – el primer espectáculo pospandemia de la increíble Canadian company – el pasado sábado 11 de marzo se levantó officially la carpa en el Tor di Quinto que acogerá el espectáculo del próximo mes Of March. twenty-one

A team of over 120 workers helped erect the Big Top, which for the first time in Italy consists of a yellow and blue canvas which, together with the four main shafts, will reach a height of over 25 meters and will dominate the capital’s skyline until April 29.

Around the tent, which has a capacity of about 2,500 people, more than 100 pillars have been erected to complete this extraordinary city which occupies an area of ​​48,000 square meters in six days.

“KURIOS – Cabinet of Curiosities”, is one of the most impressive shows of the famous Canadian company, produced by the Italian partners Show Bees and Vivo Concerti, and will open a path of pure imagination that will cross the past, the present and the future. It features 49 artists from 17 different countries, some of whom have been on tour with Cirque du Soleil for over 15 years. More than 8,000 costumes and 426 props were created for this production, which is the 35th since 1984.

The Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group show will move, after the dates in Rome at Tor di Quinto, to Milan at Piazzale Cuoco from Wednesday May 10, 2023 to Sunday June 25.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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