Cirque du Soleil premieres “Kooza” in Mexico and celebrates 20 years in the country

Guadalajara (Mexico), Oct. 14 (EFE.- Cirque du Soleil presents this Friday in the city of Guadalajara “Kooza”, a show full of colors and double characters with which the circus company celebrates 20 years of its arrival in Mexico.

With 52 artists and the largest stage in the history of the Canadian company, “Kooza” offers a piece in which the public laughs, is moved, is surprised and interacts with the circus numbers with which the Cirque of the sun returns to its origins.

A boy called “The Innocent” is surprised by an anonymous gift box from which emerges “The Trickster”, a character that takes him to a world populated by clowns, a king, a mad dog, jugglers, contortionists, music and very colorful.

The eight circus acts that make up the show are accompanied by a live band made up of six musicians and two singers who stay in the tower, called “El Bataclan” and inspired by Hindu culture, to perform pieces ranging from funk, pop and traditional Indian music.

Between the madness of the mad king who seeks a new knight among the public and the tightrope walkers, the contortionists or the circle of fire, the public goes from laughter to anguish or surprise.

The fun comes from the main stage, more than 12 meters in diameter, and engages the audience when the mad dog steals the king’s crown to lead a chase through the aisles of the marquee in which laughter, fast music, streamers and glitter are the protagonists.

This show premiered in 2017 in Montreal, Canada, and was shown in 66 cities in 22 countries with over 8 million viewers.

“Kooza” will have a short season in Guadalajara from October 14 to November 6 and then will be in Mexico City from November 18.

Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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