Cirque Du Soleil pitches its tent in Guadalajara – El Occidental

The famous and admired Cirque Du Soleil, guarantee of great shows, raised its tent in Guadalajara in a space in Plaza Patria from October 14 to November 6. Jean-François Raymond, director of operations, explained during the tour that La Gran Tent has a capacity of more than 2,500 people. The 4 main pillars that support the Great Tent measure 25 meters each. 550 stakes were planted to support it in more than 4,505 square meters of asphalt. The whole production weighs over 2,000 tons and travels from town to town in 67 trailers, 150 people pulled at the shout of 1,2,3 to lift it, which was quite a sight.

KOOZA by Cirque du Soleil, has been acclaimed around the world since its opening in 2007, as it has allowed more than 8 million spectators to see and admire what this famous Cirque du Soleil presents and will be in Guadalajara. KOOZA is Cirque du Soleil’s 20th original creation since 1984. Jean-François Raymond says he has worked at Cirque du Soleil for 18 years, arrived via social media and did the interviews until he stays. Of the 150 workers who helped pitch the tent, one is from Guadalajara.

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Colombian Andrés Vázquez, the sound engineer, said that 80 loudspeakers will be installed inside the marquee, and promised that: “You will hear very powerful music compared to other shows, because this ci is more rock, more pop, it has more hype, there is a lot of feeling,” he added, like all Latinos, “we add flavor to everything.” He clarified that the sound will be in 2 parts: one for those attending the show and another for the musicians.

Likewise, the sound is neat for the microphones, which are for 7 musicians and two singers. In an interview he gave during the tour, he mentioned, “We have what we call ‘line arrays’, which are the typical speakers you see at concerts, and then speakers that are direct, we have also a surround team, where we make the sound effects that They are part of each act.

He said he’s been to three shows already, and Kooza’s “is very impressive, he has amazing acts that you won’t see in any other show with really good established artists”.

Originally from Guadalajara, Carolina Farías Lizárraga spoke about her experience of being part of the Canadian-born Cirque du Soleil, “it was until 2018 when they called me to be permanent in ‘Kooza’. My first country was Korea, we were in Seoul for three months, then New Zealand, a year for Spain, then the Dominican Republic for the recovery and in Canada, and now we are in Mexico”. His function is to be in the costume department, in which he supervises 4 changes of 53 artists “I am in the costume department, basically what we do is maintain the costume pieces, which within the circus have a very strict manufacturing process,” she quoted, after pointing out Carolina, that being a show with so many highly dangerous acts, it’s all about safety Shoes, hats, wigs, every piece of clothing has to be based on the safety of artists.

Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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