Celebrate our Latin American heritage in Canada with humor…it’s free!

The non-profit association Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) Canada invites you to celebrate our Latin American heritage through a free comedy show in October.

Latin American comedians Stephan Dyer and Juan Cajiao, Costa Rican and Colombian respectively, will present Surviving Canada, where they will speak with humor about the difficulties and culture shock of moving to Canada.

The event will be Wednesday October 19 at 7 p.m. in The Royal Theater, located at 608 College Street, Toronto. To attend, you must register. here.

Surviving in Canada is an event sponsored by EY Canada.

What is ALPFA Canada?

ALPFA Canada takes its name from the Association of Latino Professionals For America and is a non-profit organization.

It was established in 1972 in Los Angeles, and is currently the largest and oldest network of Latinx professionals in the United States, having been established in 1972 in Los Angeles. In 2022, it started its operations in Canada.

If you want to know more about this organization, check out the interview that Cynthia Basulto made to Damian Rivera, CEO of the organization and Carlos Chalique President of the Canadian Section.

You can also follow the ALPFA account on LinkedIn.

October Hispanic Heritage Month

October is Latin American Heritage Month in Canada (LAHM) in Canada, and with the arrival of fall, one of the most special celebrations begins that recognizes and thanks all the Latin American community that lives in the second largest country in the world.

In June 2018, October was chosen as Latin American Heritage Month officially. This is to celebrate and thank Latino communities for enriching the country’s multiculturalism.

You may be interested: Canada pays tribute to Latin American soldiers

Mona Watkins

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