Canadians working on new generation of humanoid robots

800 News | Marco Arriaga

Canadian company Santuary AI has unveiled its latest humanoid robot called “Phoenix,” which features powers developed by artificial intelligence and is designed to perform a variety of tasks.

According to the developers and company executives, they hope that the “Phoenix” robot will achieve human intelligence in the field of general-purpose robots.

Using a telepresence system, a human operator controls the robot using a combination of virtual reality and motion capture technologies.

The operator sees what the robot sees through its cameras and feels what the robot “feels” through its sensors. While the operator performs the actions, the robot’s AI system observes, learns, and records the movement patterns relevant to each task.

As the AI ​​identifies these patterns, the robot develops a repertoire of actions that are relevant to the tasks at hand. Over time, the robot gains the ability to perform these tasks autonomously.

With information from WWWhat's new

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