Canadian Prime Minister starred in international role for terrible attitude ahead of Elizabeth II’s funeral

Before the death of Queen Elizabeth II, thousands of international political figures traveled to London to attend the funeral. Among them, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau.

After a controversial video went viral on social media, Trudeau was accused of not respecting the mourning instituted on September 19 in commemoration of the monarch.


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Video and its impact: all the details

The video shows the Prime Minister in a London barlocated at the Corinthia Hotel, where he sings “Bohemian Rhapsody”, Queen’s famous song, accompanied by a pianist Gregory Charles.

The event was filmed a day before the historic funeral at Westminster Abbey. The Minister’s presence was key to the event, as Queen Elizabeth II had great influence in Canada.

After the scandal, his spokesperson confirmed the veracity of the video. “After dinner on Saturday, the Prime Minister joined in a small gathering with members of the delegation to pay tribute to the life and service of Her Majesty,” he said.

The video is only 14 seconds long, but it already has over 1.7 million views on Twitter. User reactions have been mixed.

award-winning pianist Gregory Charles testified for Globe and Mail that on Saturday evening, he sat down to play the piano to entertain the people of the delegation and the hotel guests. “Everyone sang with me for hours. It was so much fun” added.

There are those who claim that the politician’s attitude “is shameful and outrageous”. Added to this wave of criticism was the former Canadian ambassador to Israel, who argued that “this is not the way to act in the face of a week of mourning”.

Other users supported Trudeau and laughed at the situation by stating that
“the media exaggerates”.

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During his speech in the House of Commons in Ottawa, The Minister I say the Queen’s absence has hit “everyone in a palpable and profound way”.

Trudeau had a regular connection with Queen Elizabeth II, who was head of state for almost half of Canada’s history.

The monarch plays an important role in Canadian society. His face was on coins, in paintings of iconic buildings and his media presence was covered with enthusiasm. In addition, Canada is associated with the Commonwealth (United Kingdom Commonwealth of Nations).

The Canadian state has declared September 19 a public holiday for mourning. – This included government employees. During this day, a commemorative event took place with one parade in the streets and another in the airspace.

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Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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