Canadian origin and first broadcast in Colombia

24 years ago, Citytv ventures into Colombian television with a news format close to the people and with a content grid for children, young people and adults, different from the usual.

(See also: “They are disgusting”: Cesar Escola called the media liars)

Since then, the television channel, which belongs to the publishing house El Tiempo, has become a good option for residents of the capital, especially for in the field of information, since the 8 p.m. news is its flagship program.

Origin of the Citytv channel: the idea comes from abroad

But how did the Citytv channel come about? Well, an article in the newspaper El Tiempo mentions thate Citytv is a Canadian television network owned by Chum Limited.

The newspaper mentions that after a negotiation, the publishing house acquired all the rights of the brand to operate in Colombia, but being independent of the parent company.

The particularity of this channel, headquartered in Toronto, is that the content was aimed at a young audience and sought to establish a close relationship with the public; an aspect that was implemented with the people of Bogotá.

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In fact, Johnatan Nieto, presenter of Citytv, stressed in the YouTube show 'Sisepuedcast' that the publishing house acquired the City franchise with the aim of “transforming the television format” in the country.

The communicator affirmed that the channel fulfilled its commitment with simple but remarkable details, which were then implemented by the competition, such as the TV news recording set, staging of journalists in front of the cameras (standing) and reporters 24/7 (like the night owl).

“This first press study was wonderful. At first everyone came and was amazed, it was completely copied from the Toronto (Canada) studio.“, accurate.

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Mona Watkins

"Travel fan. Gamer. Hardcore pop culture buff. Amateur social media specialist. Coffeeaholic. Web trailblazer."

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