Canadian minister asks Pope Francis to return indigenous cultural objects held by the Vatican

Justin Trudeau made the request during a meeting he had with the religious leader during the G7 Summit which ended this Friday in Puglia, Italy.

June 14, 2024 – 5:42 p.m.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked Pope Francis on Friday for the return to Canada of hundreds of cultural objects from the country's indigenous peoples that are in the possession of the Vatican.

Trudeau made the request during a meeting he had with the Catholic religious leader on the sidelines of the G7 summit which ended Friday in the Italian city of Puglia.

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The Canadian Prime Minister also took the opportunity to thank the Argentine pontiff for the “reconciliation” trip he made to Canada in 2022 and during which he asked for forgiveness for the sexual abuse suffered by indigenous children of the share of religious people in the country. called school residences.

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. Photo: AFP

Indigenous Canadians have for years demanded that the Vatican return cultural objects taken from their communities, from canoes to moccasins to works of art. Many of them were sent by Catholic dioceses to the Vatican in the early 20th century at the request of Pope Pius XI (1922-1939).

The objects were requested by the Catholic Church to be part of an exhibition organized in 1925 on Catholic missions around the world.

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In 2023, after his trip to Canada, Pope Francis stressed that the restitution of cultural objects of indigenous peoples in the possession of museums around the world was the appropriate measure, even if the Catholic Church has not yet returned the pieces that 'she pretends.


Mona Watkins

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