Canadian companies looking to invest in meat and renewable energy sectors –

TEGUCIGALPA. Today and tomorrow, some 14 Canadian companies will meet with authorities from the Ministry of Economic Development and the Private Sector at the Honduran Private Enterprise Council.

Helui Castillo, head of commercial policy at Cohep, explained that “most companies are oriented towards the meat sector, such as beef, pork and the poultry and dairy sector. Also comes a business
oriented towards fungicides and another towards the development of genetics.

Canadian companies have increased their participation in Honduras thanks to the Free Trade Agreement (TLC) between Canada and Honduras that entered into force since October 2014, and that it is a great fruit, among other nations that have advanced significantly in the cause of theirs trade relations.

In addition to the seven companies interested in the meat sector, the presence of seven companies interested in investments in renewable energies is expected.

Canadian companies in the renewable energy and agri-food sectors will look to expand their operations in Honduras.

The event, which will be attended by economic development authorities, representatives of Cohep and the Honduran Association of Renewable Energy Producers (Ahper), will have the direct participation of the Canadian Ambassador to Honduras, Michael Gort.

Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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