Canadian companies are looking for Colombians: they pay $50 an hour

Several Canadian companies are looking for new talents who speak the Spanish language.

Over the years, Canada has strengthened its position as a central point of opportunity for people of various nationalities.

After the impact of the pandemic, many defend the idea that choosing theTeleworking is a more practical alternative. They assure that this involves significant savings in terms of money and time, which were previously spent traveling to their workplace.

Read also :Canada appeals to Colombians: they pay $6 million

Despite the perceived benefits, findingjob opportunitiesProviding the ability to work remotely remains a challenge. In fact, some companies have not yet integrated this modality into their work structures.

Over the years,Canadahas consolidated its position as a central point of opportunity for people of various nationalities.

Likewise, many companies in this country frequently look for new talents whospeak and write in Spanishso many people have used theteleworkto reach more places besides yours.

Teleworking for Colombians with Canadian companies

Those interested in these job offers have the opportunity to receive payment in dollars.

There are several pages that frequently post job vacancies from anywhere in the world. One of these platforms isWorkanawhere remote working is offered in several countries.

Content editor for social networks

On this occasion, an advertising agency is looking for a writer and designer to produce publications on social networks.

This company pays less than50 Canadian dollarsHowever, this salary may increase over time.

Interested people can apply tofollowing link.

Amazon account management

The Canadian company is looking for Colombian women who can help it with the company's administrative procedures and carry out its operations on Amazon. You must have account management experience.

Payment is50 Canadian dollars per hour. Those wishing to apply can do so from this page:

Of interest:Germany seeks Colombians to work: they pay 13 million dollars Specialist

The person applying for this job offer must have at least two years of experience.experience with respective web application developmentsfrom

To apply for this job offer in a Canadian company,Follow this link.


The car dealership agency offers a vacancy for agraphic design professionaland video editing with a taste for cars.

The selected person must create attractive designs for social media advertising.

The salary is950 Canadian dollarsmonthly, i.e.$2,788,160.

To applyfollow this linkand send your CV.

Trix Barber

"Amateur bacon nerd. Music practitioner. Introvert. Total beer junkie. Pop culture fanatic. Avid internet guru."

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