Canadian Ambassador to Armenia: “Syunik is special because of its geopolitical position and role”

YEREVAN, AUGUST 16, ARMENPRESS. On August 15, Syunik Governor Robert Ghukasyan received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Armenia Andrew Turner.

The governor thanked the diplomat for his visit to the region and congratulated him on the opening of the Canadian embassy in Armenia, which will further strengthen ties between the two friendly countries, opening new prospects for cooperation.

“The ambassador's first visit to Syunik was for familiarization, interviewing Robert Ghukasyan on issues related to the region. The governor introduced him to the structure of Syunik's economy, the general security situation and development opportunities,” the Syunik government statement said.

During the meeting, Andrew Turner stressed that it is important to know and cooperate with Armenian markets outside the capital, Syunik being special due to its geopolitical position and role.

The ambassador also expressed his willingness to work on developing cooperative ties between Canadian investors and businessmen in the region.

“At the same time, other areas of possible future cooperation were discussed, in which both sides will work. Ambassador Turner, accompanied by Governor Ghukasyan, visited Kapan Airport to learn about their work and the Kapan Geological Museum,” the statement said.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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