Canada to support Colombia's feminist foreign policy

Canada's Ambassador for Gender, Peace and Security is currently in the country.

Canadian Ambassador for Gender, Peace and Security, Jacqueline O'Neillis in Colombia with the aim of supporting the construction of the government's feminist foreign policy. Canada's support, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is essential since it is a country “reference of good practices in the monitoring and measurement mechanisms of its international feminist assistance policy”.

Read also: 8 Colombian women who stood out and marked the history of the country

“The exchange of good practices will be very useful to define the indicators and monitoring and measurement mechanisms that we will implement in the Colombian PEF”said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The senior official met with the Director of Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs, Constanza Bejarano, and the Gender Advisor, Diana Parra. The latter is the one who has been appointed to formulate Colombia's first feminist foreign policy. To this end, meetings are being held with women's organizations and members of the LGBTIQ+ population. The above, according to the Chancellor's own directives, Alvaro Leyvasince November last year, when the first advances were presented.

Support for a feminist foreign policy

“Personally and as Chancellor, my commitment is absolute. “I have the honor of leading our country's foreign policy, but I know that this leadership is incomplete if it is not done hand in hand with women and LGBTIQ+ people,” the head of Colombian diplomacy said at the time.

You can read: Colombia commits to feminist foreign policy to promote gender equality

Parra, in turn, insists that “feminist foreign policy cannot simply be a narrative, but is a mechanism that contains a set of principles and tools that guide the state's foreign policy to recognize, reduce and transform social norms and practices” that reproduce gender gaps and inequalities.

To press.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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