Canada to investigate allegations of interference by Chinese, Iranian and Russian regimes in their elections

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has ordered an investigation into allegations of interference by China, Iran and Russia. (REUTERS/Carlos Osorio)

canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeauannounced on Monday that appoint an independent special rapporteur to “combat” and investigate the interference of regimes such as those of China, Iran And Russia in the country’s elections.

“Any attack or attempted attack on our democracy is unacceptable,” Trudeau said, noting that “the Chinese government and other regimes like Iran or Russia have tried to interfere not only in our democracy, but in our country in general.

“This is not a new problem,” he added.

The announcement comes later Pierre Poilievreleader of the main opposition Conservative Party will accuse Trudeau’s Liberal Party of profiting from Chinese interference in the 2019 and 2021 elections.

Pierre Poilievre, leader of the main opposition party, the Conservative Party of Canada. (Reuters/Blair Gable)

Poilievre also said China donated $200,000 to the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation (former Prime Minister of Canada and father of the current Canadian leader).

The main opposition parties had called in recent days for the creation of an independent commission to investigate allegations that China influenced the results of the country’s last two general elections.

But Trudeau said it would be up to the special rapporteur to decide whether the formation of a commission of inquiry or any other action is necessary.

“We will follow their recommendations,” Trudeau said at a news conference where he announced the creation of the special rapporteur position. The name of the rapporteur will be announced shortly.

Trudeau also said he would ask a parliamentary committee and the state agency tasked with reviewing the country’s intelligence services to investigate allegations of foreign interference in Canadian democracy.

Canada will appoint a rapporteur to investigate alleged Chinese interference. (REUTERS/Dado Ruvic)

After Trudeau’s announcement, the social-democratic New Democratic Party (NDP), the fourth party in Parliament and with which the ruling Liberal Party has an agreement to guarantee the stability of the government, assured that the appointment of the special rapporteur was insufficient and reiterated the need to create a commission of inquiry.

The main opposition group, the Conservative Party, has also called for the creation of a commission.

Also on Monday, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police announced that it had begun an investigation into a possible violation of the law regulating the disclosure of official secrets after several Canadian media outlets said Trudeau had been briefed on instances of foreign interference.

According to the newspaper “The Globe and the Courier”Canadian intelligence estimates that China helped 11 candidates (nine Liberals and two Conservatives) in the 2019 election, information that was shared with the government.

The same newspaper said the secret documents indicate China supported Trudeau’s re-election in the 2021 election and made efforts to ensure that conservative candidates seen as anti-Beijing were not elected.

(With information from EFE and AFP)

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Theodore Davis

"Entrepreneur. Amateur gamer. Zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble communicator. Proud reader."

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