Canada to impose sanctions on those responsible for the death of Mahsa Amini

AJN Agency.- Canada will impose sanctions on those responsible for the death of 22-year-old Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini, including Iran’s so-called morality police and their leaders, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday.

“We have seen Iran disregard human rights time and time again, now we see it with the death of Mahsa Amini and the crackdown on protests,” Trudeau told reporters in Ottawa.

In addition, moments after similar remarks by his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly, during his address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the Canadian Prime Minister added: “Today, I am announcing that we will apply sanctions to dozens of individuals and entities, including Iran’s so-called vice squad.”

Amini, 22, fell into a coma and died after his arrest in Tehran, sparking protests in the capital of the Islamic Republic and in the province of Kurdistan where he was from. His death was condemned across the country and the hashtag #MahsaAmini reached 1.8 million mentions on Twitter.

Iranian police say Amini fell ill while waiting with other women detained by the vice squad, which is tasked with enforcing strict rules imposed since Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution forcing women to cover their hair and wear loose clothing in public.

However, Amini’s father said his daughter was fine with no previous health issues and Mahsa had bruises on her legs.

Amini’s father added that the police “took her two hours to take her to the hospital and if they had arrived sooner she would not have died”.

On the other hand, Tehran Grand Police Commander Hossein Rahimi said that “cowardly accusations” had been made against the Iranian police, that Amini had not suffered any physical harm and that the police had “all done” to keep her alive. .

“This incident was unfortunate for us,” Rahimi said, explaining that he could not comment on the cause of death as it was a medical issue and not a safety issue.

Violators of Sharia, Iran’s Islamic law, risk fines or arrest.

Shawn Jacobs

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