Canada shoots down unidentified aerial object over Yukon

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said who ordered the demolition an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace.

The object was shot down over the Yukon, he added. “Canadian and American planes were coded, and an F-22 from the United States Shooting successfully against the object,” he said in a tweet. “Canadian forces will now recover and analyze the remains of the object,” he said.

The Canadian Forces will recover and analyze the remains of the object, Trudeau said.

NORAD is an American-Canadian organization responsible for aerospace warning, aerospace control and maritime warning missions for North America.

The latest incident comes after the recent incursion of a suspected Chinese spy balloon over US and Canadian territory, and after the United States shot down another unidentified object near the Canadian border on Friday.

The White House did not give details on the origin of said object but explained that it was different from the Chinese balloon that was shot down last week after flying over several US states.

The United States has accused the Chinese government of having developed, with the participation of the armed forces, a “program” of balloons for espionage work and of having already flown over more than 40 countries on 5 continents.

Due to the discovery of said balloon, United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken suspended a trip he had planned to Beijing.

China defends that the balloon the United States shot down last Saturday was a meteorological device that “deviated from its original trajectory” due to a “force majeure”.

China accuses US of starting ‘information war’ over spy balloon

beijing On Thursday, US accusations that a downed Chinese balloon was part of an extensive surveillance system were described as an “information war against China”.

The Pentagon said on Wednesday that the Chinese balloon shot down off the coast of South Carolina was part of a program involving several similar craft that China has operated for “several years”.

In Information session On Thursday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman reiterated China’s position that the large unmanned balloon was a civilian weather craft that accidentally derailed and that the United States had “exaggerated” in shooting it down.

“It’s irresponsible,” Mao told a daily press conference. The latest allegations, he said, “could be part of the US side’s information war against China.”

Mona Watkins

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