Canada seeks immigrants to close its labor gap

But it is a global phenomenon that has happened due to digital acceleration. The “Talent Shortage” study by recruitment firm Manpower Group reveals that in Mexico 64% of employers do not find the talent they need when they need it, and worldwide the percentage is 67%.

Another factor fueling the labor shortage is that talent does not live in areas where there are vacancies. And a third reason is that Canada is “aging”, as more and more people retire baby boomers, but they leave their position empty. This positions Canada as an alternative to working and putting down roots, although getting there requires considering the challenges, not just the benefits.

Living as an immigrant in an English-speaking country

Emma Campo, director of business development for Latin America at the education firm Pearson, believes that the main obstacles an immigrant faces in Canadian territory are the climate, adapting to the culture, but especially the language. .

For a Mexican who wishes to arrive in this country, this is no exception. In Education First’s English Proficiency Index, Mexico ranks second to last in Latin America, despite the fact that those with advanced skills can earn up to 20% more in salary. The average level of the Mexican population is basic.

The advantage of Canada, says Campo, is that they relax the migration rules because they are aware that they have to attract talent, they even give permission to people who have an A2 level of English with the possibility of perfecting the language and improving their opportunities. In addition, Mexicans who travel to Canada do so in a more organized fashion than to the United States.

“There may be over 11 million Mexicans in the United States, but not all of them are necessarily regulated,” he says. “When you want to migrate to a first world country like Canada, you want to do it under the best possible conditions that allow you to have a better lifestyle and better growth.”

Pearson was recently appointed by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to launch the PTE Essential language test as an English proficiency test for citizenship or permanent residency in Canada.

It is an exam designed for everyday life, less academic and meeting IRCC requirements. Campo specifies that the test will be available from September this year.

Another advantage, Mexicans no longer need a visa to enter as tourists, but an invitation letter. There is the possibility of migrating as an upper-level student, although the interested person must have 12,000 Canadian dollars (162,480 pesos) in a bank account, and 4,000 more for each additional person (54,160 pesos ), because it is a guarantee that they can afford at least the first year of study.

You can also migrate as a worker. Both options with a special permit and with the possibility of obtaining permanent residence. “Either of the two is doable. As a student, if you have the economic conditions, the visa process is done very quickly. As an employee, there are very specific areas with a large number of vacancies. If it was another English-speaking country, the best way to get there would be through education. Today, the conditions in Canada are an opportunity for Mexico and you don’t have to get there by studying,” he says.

Shawn Jacobs

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