Canada says goodbye to World Cup as worst Olympic champion

Canada he said goodbye to Women’s World Cup at the first opportunity after being eliminated in the group stage. He did it, moreover, with the worst possible aftertaste left by the defeat against 4-0 suffered against Australia at the last appointment.


A tough defeat that not only forces the Canadians to pack their bags, but also forces them the worst Olympic champion in history. And that’s it For the first time, the current winner of the Olympic Games was eliminated from the Women’s World Cup in the group stage.

Until now, all Olympic champions had reached at least the quarter-finals of the next World Cup. It did not pass the first phase, which has not happened in Canada since 2011.. Since then, he had managed to reach the round of 16 in 2015 and 2019.

A difficult defeat which, given the past, could well have been announced after Australia took the lead in the scoreboard. And Canada has a problem with returns. They are good for nothing. Actually, has lost 12 of the last 13 World Cup matches in which it started to lose.

And once the Matildas scored 2-0, it was practically a sentence for some Canadians who They have never managed to overturn a World Cup match in which they lost by two goals.. The same thing happens when you arrive at halftime being led to the scoreboard. Of the six games where this happened to him in the World Cup, in none of them was he able to come back and win.

Canada also doesn’t understand the decisive matches of World Cups, especially the third in the group stage. And that’s it He was only able to win it in one of the 8 editions in which he participated.. A bitter farewell for a Canada that knows what it means to become an Olympic champion, but will have to continue to wait to find out what it means to do so at a World Cup.

Mona Watkins

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