Canada records 77 cases of monkeypox, almost all in Quebec

Canada registers until this Friday 77 confirmed cases of the so-called monkeypoxalmost all detected in Quebecwhere the authorities consider the situation “worrying”.

The North American nation had confirmed its first two cases on May 20 in this French-speaking province.

A situation deemed “worrying”, explained Dr. Howard Njoo, deputy chief administrator of the Canadian Federal Public Health Agency, during a press conference. The authorities fear in particular “that cases are familial and affect pregnant women or young children“, he added.

Njoo also clarified that this spread is “not (restricted) to any particular group or context” and can therefore affect “anyone, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.”

In this sense, smallpox vaccines were delivered to the province. They can be effective in protecting against contact cases because there is no specific cure for monkeypox, which usually goes away on its own.

The monkeypox it is mainly a mild disease, but its spread outside endemic areas, such as West Africa, remains a concern.

Chart. What is monkey pox?

Since the start of the current peak in cases almost a month ago, 550 cases have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 30 countries, mainly in Europe, where the disease is not endemic and is very rarely detected.

This infectious disease is characterized by the appearance of rashes, which can be painful, especially if they are located in sensitive areas such as the genitals.

Spike Caldwell

"Devoted organizer. Incurable thinker. Explorer. Tv junkie. Travel buff. Troublemaker."

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