Canada outsources investor concerns over judicial reform

Written in WORLD he

Canada joins U.S. concerns over Mexico's judicial reform which envisages the election of judges, magistrates and ministers.

The Canadian Ambassador to Mexico, Graeme C. Clark said Canadian investors had told him their concerns about the reform of the judiciary promoted by the Mexican government.

“I heard these concerns this morning. So the only thing I do is listen to what our investors are saying about this and there are concerns,” Clark told EFE.

Clark said the judicial reform, which aims at the election of judicial positions by popular vote in Mexico, has sparked concern among investors.

In this sense, he stressed that Judicial reform may affect this “bond of trust” between investors and the government of Mexico.

The ambassador clarified that His “interest is to convey the concerns of the Canadian private sector” without intervening in Mexican affairs.

“As a diplomat, I am very sensitive to any comments that could be seen as interference in Mexican affairs and that is certainly not the intention,” Clark said.

Similarly, Clark said that Judicial reform is an issue that the Canadian EmbassyThey followed “with great interest.”

“It is the role of an embassy diplomat to follow the evolution of events and initiatives that could have an impact on us,” said the Canadian Ambassador Clark Expresses Concerns before the probable approval of the judicial reform.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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