Canada officially proclaims Carlos III monarch of the country

Carlos III was officially proclaimed the new monarch of Canada on Saturday when he assumed the post of king of the United Kingdom after the death last Thursday of his mother, Elizabeth II.

Canada’s Governor General Mary Simon, who acts as the country’s head of state on behalf of the British monarch, met Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Saturday to sign the proclamation.

After Simon and Trudeau signed the document in Ottawa formalizing Charles III’s position, the proclamation was read aloud and a protocol salute of 21 salutes was performed.

The proclamation notes that “His Royal Highness Prince Charles Phillip Arhtur George is now, after the death of our last sovereign, King Charles III, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and their other Dominions and Territories .”

The proclamation concluded with the classic “long live the king”.

After the proclamation, Trudeau spoke by telephone with British Prime Minister Elizabeth Truss.

The Canadian prime minister’s office said in a statement that Trudeau offered his condolences to the British people and congratulated Truss on his recent appointment as prime minister.

In addition, the two leaders discussed the situation of the conflict in Ukraine, the global economic crisis as well as the instability of the energy markets and the food sector.

Spike Caldwell

"Devoted organizer. Incurable thinker. Explorer. Tv junkie. Travel buff. Troublemaker."

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