Canada condemns the regime of Nicaragua and Venezuela to the OAS

They ask to take measures to stop the advance of dictatorships in the region which has led thousands of people to abandon its borders and in the case of Nicaragua it carries “crimes against humanity”

Melanie Joy, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canadacalled on the States participating in the 52nd OAS Assembly in Lima to act in the face of the challenges and drew attention to the dictatorship in Nicaragua.

“We have a collective duty when states like Nicaragua and Venezuela they break with the promises they made to their fellow citizens in the key values ​​of our region”.

Likewise, he made it clear that Daniel Ortega must be held accountable for his actions that contributed to an emigration crisis. “Instead of keeping his promises, Ortega decided to withdraw from the OAS,” Joly said.

He added that even outside this institution, Ortega must continue to be denounced because it is not possible for his actions to go unpunished.

SEE MORE: Chile: “we hope that the Nicaraguan government will open up to dialogue”

In the case of Venezuela, the Canadian minister assured that the regime of Nicolás Maduro continues to violate the rights of the people, silences dissidents and fights against representatives who do not share the same political ideas.

“There is only one way to reach a solution, we must support efforts to restore democracy in Venezuela,” he said.

At this point, Mélanie Joly thanked all the countries that have welcomed the thousands of Venezuelans who have crossed borders in search of a better future, highlighting the countries of Colombia and Ecuador.

“Nicaragua is accused of crimes against humanity”

Ecuador’s Foreign Minister Juan Carlos Holguín joined Canada’s demands and urged OAS member countries to put an end to the “flagrant violation of human rights and the non- respect for fundamental freedoms in Nicaragua, a country where a dictatorship persists”. with crimes against humanity.

The Ecuadorian Foreign Minister strongly questioned the level of Daniel Ortega’s attack on the Catholic Church, the Pope and the UN Secretary General. “This cannot continue and we must pass resolutions that put pressure on this dictatorship to change course and end its blatant violation of human rights,” Holguín said.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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