Canada: A paramedic unknowingly treated her daughter after an accident

A Canadian paramedic who unknowingly cared for her own daughter after a fatal car accident has wiped away tears as she remembers a beautiful young woman who fought until the end.

Jayme Erickson was called to the North Calgary crash site on November 15 and sat down with a seriously injured young woman who was pulled from the car and taken to hospital, where she died. He was unrecognizable due to his injuries.

It was not until Erickson returned home at the end of the day that she was sought by Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers, who informed her that the patient was Montana, her 17-year-old daughter. years.

Erickson shared her grief with the press on Tuesday afternoon when she said her daughter was successful in everything she did and was an avid swimmer who wanted to be a lawyer.

“She was a fighter and she fought until the day she died, and she was beautiful. It was so beautiful. If she ever put effort into something, she would do it,” Erickson said in a fire station in Airdrie with family members, paramedics, police and firefighters standing behind her in support.

Richard Reed, a friend and flight doctor, repeatedly lost his temper as he recounted when Erickson rushed to the scene where the vehicle lost control and was hit head-on by a truck.

Reed said the driver managed to get out of the car, but the passenger was seriously injured. Erickson was the first person to arrive on the scene. Reed said Erickson knew the girl was in danger and sat there until she was pulled out and taken to hospital in an air ambulance without knowing who she was.

“On the way home he expressed his pain and frustration to his partner, knowing that afterwards a family would likely lose a daughter, a sister and a granddaughter. Shortly after arriving home, someone knocked on the door. It was the RCMP,” Reed said.

“On entering the room, to his horror, he learned that the young woman he had sat with in the back of the vehicle to keep her alive so the family could say goodbye, and who because of the severity of her injuries was beyond recognition, was Jayme’s own daughter,” he added. “Jayme was keeping his own daughter alive without knowing it.”

Spike Caldwell

"Devoted organizer. Incurable thinker. Explorer. Tv junkie. Travel buff. Troublemaker."

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