Mexican president sends letter to Biden over T-MEC energy policy controversy
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador speaks during the daily briefing at the National Palace on June 28, 2022 in Mexico City, Mexico. (Hector Vivas/Getty Images)
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador sent a letter to United States President Joe Biden on energy policy under the United States-Mexico-Canada (T-MEC) agreement, a- he announced on Tuesday.
“Today I am sending a letter to President Biden on this issue in a very respectful way. I want the letter to come first, we need to make sure the relationship is good, but they don’t treat us not or let us be treated like a colony, because Mexico is an independent, free and sovereign country,” said López Obrador from Mexico City.
“We can have many opportunities for the region and it is the country with the greatest economic and commercial potential in the world (…) however, none of this is equal to independence, sovereignty and the dignity of our people,” he added. .
“In a nutshell, Mexico is not for sale, Mexico belongs to Mexicans, to our generation and those to come,” said López Obrador.
On July 20, the United States requested conciliation consultations under the T-MEC concerning specific measures by Mexico that “harm American businesses and energy produced in the United States in favor of the company of public electricity company, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and the state oil and gas company Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex)”, according to a Release from the US Trade Representative.
“We have repeatedly expressed serious concerns about a series of changes in Mexico’s energy policies and their consistency with Mexico’s commitments under the T-MEC,” the statement said.
According to the Mexican Ministry of Economy, the two countries have 75 days to resolve the dispute. “In the event that a mutually satisfactory agreement on the proper application and interpretation of these provisions is not reached, the United States may request the establishment of a panel to adjudicate this matter,” reads the statement. an official press release from the Ministry of the Economy.
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