Boric and the Prime Minister of Canada announce that they will jointly defend the protection of the oceans at the Summit of the Americas

This Monday the President Gabriel Boric arrived in Canada accompanied by the chancellor Antonia Urrejolathe Minister of Economy, Nicolas Grauand the President of the Confederation of Production and Commerce, Subtle John, to launch their international tour in North America.

Among his first activities, the President met with the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, on Parliament Hill. “I have no doubt that We will be able to consolidate Chile’s leadership at the international level, as well as the principles we share with Canada.said Boric upon his arrival at the Canadian Parliament.

Likewise, Foreign Minister Urrejola signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.

After the meeting with the Prime Minister, Boric stressed that he had met Justin Trudeau to “look together from the south of the world to the north, the values ​​that unite us and those shared values ​​that today in a world that is changing so quickly, it is so important to reveal the fight for inclusive growth, respecting and believing in the science of climate crises that we human beings have caused and therefore work together on various initiatives that aim for ecologically sustainable development over time”.

Regarding the topics that were discussed, President Boric clarified that it was the policy that was promoted in Canada, which had good results: “We just want to imitate them because it’s good to replicate good ideas in our country“, he also added that”We talked about the importance we attach to the unrestricted defense of human rights, where they cannot be questioned according to the color of the government that violated them.

“From the southern and northern hemisphere, we say very stronglyChile and Canada, we will raise the voice of the American continent so that all the countries of the world fully respect the universal declaration of rights“, he underlined.

In the area of ​​the environment, Boric said that together with Canada, they want to increase “environmental standards, generate inclusive growth and development and for that we are going to work together, today we endorsed not only these shared values, but also we also make available to the world the leadership with which our countries have honored us to undertake a difficult but urgent task, which is the defense of our oceans, Chile is a pioneer in marine protected areas”.

“We want to invite the world, especially the entire Pacific coast, to join this challenge which has as much to do with climate justice, the protection of our ecosystems, the protection of our oceans, having a new development model, and which is valid both in Canada and in Chile“, he added.

Finally, he pointed out that Canada and Chile have indigenous peoples in common and that they share the experience of “difficult times, the Prime Minister even spoke of genocide and For these wounds to heal, there needs to be recognition and a new treatment that focuses specifically on the integration of aboriginal communities, the first nations, into the development to which we all aspire.”.

While his Canadian counterpart, Justin Trudeau, pointed out that President Boric chose “to come to Canada, which not only reinforces some eighty years of friendship and 25 years of free trade relations, but also which is a very solid foundation of the true values ​​that we share across the Americas”.

Regarding the priorities on which they agreed, the Prime Minister explained that “build an economy that works for everyone, fight climate change and work in partnership with Indigenous peoples”.

Thus, he also added that “it is so important to celebrate and welcome such a strong and progressive voice on the world stage, with great news for ChileIt’s great news for Canada to have such a strong partner on the other side of the continent. »

Trudeau also stressed that it is important to continue”adding to these strong voices from all over the world who are fighting for democracy, for human rights, who are fighting threats against institutions and instability, aligned with climate change, gender equality, inclusion, not only that life is better and easier for citizens, but they will also give better economic growth”.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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