AMLO will listen to Canadian businesses dissatisfied with his energy policy

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said they would seek to increase economic alliances in the trilateral relationship.

Adriana Esthéla Flores

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador made a commitment to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to receive his country’s companies dissatisfied with Mexico’s energy policy.

At the start of the bilateral meeting at the National Palace, López Obrador discussed economic issues related to investments by Canadian companies in Mexico. Especially those related to the mining sector like TransCanada

However, during the dialogue, differences on policy in the electricity sector emerged.

“We seek to resolve disputes that logically arise in these economic and commercial relationships. Moreover, in boom times, as Canadian investments in Mexico are increasing more than ever. There are obviously some issues to discuss.

I made a commitment to Trudeau to receive companies that might have outstanding problems, a certain disagreement with the attitude of our government. “We are always open to dialogue.”

At the same time, Justin Trudeau highlighted the progressive nature of the two governments and assured that they would strengthen economic alliances in the trilateral relationship in North America.

“We are both progressive countries that respect opportunity, justice and equality for all, middle-class employment, environmental protection and support for indigenous peoples. »

“We have witnessed in recent years a real deepening and broadening of our economic and commercial relations and ties, of our work, of our investments, of our commitments all over the world, in the hemisphere, with challenges to the democracy for our friends and, in this, Canada and Mexico. » They remain strong friends and allies.

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Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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