AMLO suspends relations with US and Canadian embassies; Manuel Velasco “makes himself look ridiculous” and more | Political Chronicles 08/28/2024

“Transcended” in the millennium

That in the framework of the plenary meeting of the new deputies of Morena, the elected president, Claudia Sheinbaum, greeted Ifigenia Martínez with a notable appreciation, telling her: “How are you, my president of the Congress? I like you very much and I admire you even more”, thus dispelling any doubt about who will give her the presidential sash to demonstrate in front of the Parliament on October 1. Moreover, the bench of cherries led by Ricardo Monreal will formalize today, in the continuation of its conclave, the appointment of the teacher to the Board of Directors of the Palacio de San Lázaro.

“Major Temple” in Reforma

DON'T TELL ANYONE, but Octavio Romero has not managed to find a place in Claudia Sheinbaum's team. In the ranks of the 4T, it has been rumored for days that the native of Tabasco would move from the direction of Pemex to that of Infonavit.

HOWEVER, everything indicates that his appointment is at least blocked. But in one of them, he may have even been frustrated. Indeed, Infonavit is not an agency like the others: it has a board of directors and a general assembly, composed in equal parts of representatives of the government, workers and private initiative.

AND THAT ON THE business and union side, there were signs of rejection against the nomination of Romero, which would leave Pemex as the most indebted and least productive oil company in the world.

AMONG the Moreno ranks, it was said that AMLO himself had commissioned Sheinbaum to provide paid accommodation to his old friend. But the president-elect does not hold a grudge against Pemex and the idea of ​​handing it over to Infonavit, at least for now, has not prospered.

“Under reservation” at El Universal

What a ridiculous thing Senator Manuel Velasco, of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico, did, who assured on Monday that the so-called Fourth Transformation in the Senate (Morena, Verde and PT) already had the three seats needed to obtain a qualified majority in the Senate. We are told that Don Manuel, who believes he can do it on his own, received a slap yesterday for opening his mouth without authorization. The virtual coordinator of the Morena bench, Adán Augusto López, had to come out and slap him and make amends with his green ally. He denied that his party already has in its pocket the three opposition senators who would give it the majority. “We are not going to buy the votes we lack, as was the case in other times,” Don Adán said. Apparently, no one warned Senator Velasco that we live in different times.

“Political Fronts” in Excelsior

Strategic pause. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico, has frozen relations with the embassies of the United States and Canada, demanding ratification of respect for Mexican sovereignty. For López Obrador, the lesson is clear: these powers must learn not to cross the red line in their relations with Mexico. Behind his firm stance lies a message to the nation: independence is not negotiable. But how far will this pause go? Diplomacy is a game of stretching, but in the end, someone has to give in. The question remains who will make the first move to resume dialogue.

Alvin Nguyen

"Amateur introvert. Pop culture trailblazer. Incurable bacon aficionado."

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