AMLO offers to listen to Canadian companies dissatisfied with energy policy

Written in NATIONAL he

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, promised to receive Canadian companies who disagree with their government’s energy policies.

From the “Leona Vicario” room of the National Palace, amid bilateral talks between the governments of Canada and Mexico, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, 7 minutes and 38 seconds of the proceedings were opened to public opinion where the Mexican president promised to open a dialogue with disgruntled companies.

“We talked about the companies that operate in the electricity sector, we also seek to solve problems, the differences that logically arise with regard to these economic relations and also, in times of boom, because it develops a lot, like never before Canadian investment in Mexico; Obviously there are issues to be resolved, I have made a commitment with Prime Minister Trudeau to receive companies that may have outstanding issues, disagreements, with the attitude of our government: we are always open to dialogue”, underlined the head of the Mexican executive.

“With Prime Minister Trudeau, we had time to talk about topics of interest to our peoples and we discussed economic issues related to Canadian business investment in Mexico: mining companies, major companies like TransCanada which invests for building a gas pipeline to the Gulf of Mexico is a very important big investment because it means supplying gas to southeastern Mexico,” added President López Obrador.

We’re not just talking about economic and trade issues, we’re also talking about the importance of the immigration program that Canada runs, temporary visas for Mexican workers; We talked about the recognition of indigenous communities, an agreement of these characteristics is going to be signed and we have further strengthened our relations. We are neighbours, friends and we work together and you will always be welcome and welcome to Mexico and the Prime Minister, the same, is our friend, concluded López Obrador.

For his part, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau argued that the two are leaders of “progressive countries who respect equality and justice for allprotecting the environment and supporting Indigenous communities…which put it at the center of the vision for a more prosperous North America.

“We have seen in recent years a real deepening and expansion of economic and trade ties…in the face of global challenges, Canada and Mexico remain friends and allies,” Trudeau said.

“There is engagement and business all over the world. In the Western Hemisphere as well, there are challenges to democracy, but Mexico and Canada remain strong friends and allies; We will continue to talk about how we can later increase our economic investments and promote prosperity… there is still a lot to do but when we do it as friends everything is fine,” concluded the Canadian Prime Minister.

On an oval table Trudeau and López Obrador were seen escorted face to face by their delegations.

Spike Caldwell

"Devoted organizer. Incurable thinker. Explorer. Tv junkie. Travel buff. Troublemaker."

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